Saturday 9 October 2010

Bertie's Birthday

Dear Bertie,

We wish you a very Happy 4th Birthday on Sunday 10th October 2010

With love from
all your Twitter Furiends

Chew Stick and Bone Treat Birthday Cake


  1. Happy 4th burfdee dearest Bertie!
    And many more!
    Lots of Love
    Your Pal
    Lexie xxxxx

  2. Dear Bertie. Hope you have the best day with lots of treats. If there is something called a 'Gentleman Dog', you are that dog! Thank you for all your fun and wisdom. You are a 'Diamond' for sure! Love your furiend Annie X

  3. happi burfdey bertie *stroke stroke* i doo howp yew haf a beary nise dey!!!

  4. Happy birthday my very first Border Terrier Friend. You're hitting the glory years!

  5. DUSTY: Happy Birthday, Bertie! We're so blessed to know you through Twitter. Thank you for being the great pal ou are!
    HURLEY: Hope you special day is full of love & joy from the moment you wake up until your go nitey nite! Bless you, Bertie.

  6. Happy Furth Birthday Bertie
    Hope you get lots of toys & treats!

  7. Happy Birthday Bertie!
    Hope you have a great day.
    Big *husky hugs* & lots of love.
    Benson The Husky

  8. Happy Burfdee Bertie!

    We does be very happy for u dat u be turnin' 4 and we do hope mum and dad take u for extra walkies and gives u special gifties.

    From two of ur bestest furiends,

    Ollie and Da'Griff

  9. Happy Birthday Bertie

    Well done turning the BIG 4. xx

    Hugs n snugs


  10. Happy burthday Bertie! I opes yoos as a wonderful day and do gets lots of lovely treats!
    A wuzzle and a lick Missy

  11. Happy burfdee to you, happy burfdee to you, happy burfdee dear Bertie HAPPY BURFDEE TO YOU.
    Love from Martha xxxx

  12. It's Bertie's birthday
    And he is now FOUR!!
    So here I am wishing him
    Many many more!!

    Hope it's absolutely tripelicious Bertie
    have a great pawty xxx love Teagan xxx

  13. Happy birthday to you, happy birfday to you, happy birfday, darling Bertie, happy birfday to you!!!

    So Bertie is now FOUR which, by Jazzy counting, is one nose, two ears, one paw!! Dat rhymes too!!!

    Have a spiffing day and gooble as many goodies as you can! You can sleep it off tomorrow!

    Love you heaps,

    Jazzy XXXXXX

  14. Happy birthday Bertie!!

    Save some cake for us!

    Dante xxxx

  15. Happy Birthday Bertie!

    Hope you have a great day

    Floyd xx

  16. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Bertie happy birthday to you! Have a wonderful day, Love Kolo

  17. *does Happy Birthday Bertie! dance* :o)

  18. Happy, happy birthday Bertie!!! Have an awesome day!! You and Pippen are almost twins!!

  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY,Dearest Bertie,so glad u are a pal...Nuzzzzzawuzzzzes

  20. appy berfday deer berty ... i ope yoo dus av wundaful day wiv lots of treets an warks

    luvs an strokes .. strokes .. strokes ..
    from Henry

  21. For Bertie, an awesome day
    May many treats come your way,
    Hugs and cuddles 'til day's end
    A Happy Birthday, my dear friend!

    And many more...Your furiend, Oz

  22. Happy Birthday Bertie, I hope its da best day ever xoxoxooxox

  23. Happy Birthday Bertie! and it's Dogs Rule Day too. I think you are twice as old as me but I'm not good at math. Yoda smooches to you!

  24. Happy Birthday Bertie - you are a special widdle doggie, full of lub & joy!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. i dooin this for @lou_brooke cos molly dusnt be abel to powst eer ..

    sending lots of molly licks on ur birfday x

  27. Appi Birfday Bertie. Big hugz from mez nd Lola. xxx

  28. Happy Birthday Bertie, from me and monkey x

  29. Tucker wishes you da most berry Happpppyyyy Birfdayyyy! & may you enjoy many more!

  30. Happy birthday Bertie. Hav a blast wif lotsa treats and nommy things! Hugs!

  31. Happy Birthday my lovely pal ... it has been a real pleasure getting to know you on Twitter. Hope you have a great birthday, and many many more. For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, and so say all of us! Hip hip Hooray! *Tailwags* *Nose licks* from your pal, PuppyNumber7

  32. Happy burfday for you dear Bertie. You was my first follower on twitter and I did kno you since we was both only 2 i think. Woof. You haz always been a great pal for me and you is always there when i do get to twitter in the mornin cos your mum gets up even earlier than my typist. We wishin you a great day wiv a extra long walk and a bone in the sunshine when you do get ome. Loves from Marlee and Lola.

  33. Happy Birthday to my favourite Border Terrier have a fantastic day with lost of presents, fun and games, treats and most of all love. Four years old but you are still just a lad.


  34. Happy Birthday mate! Have a good one with lots of noms.

    Dash Kitten

  35. My anipal Bertie I wish you Happy Birthday and may all your wishes come true (love, treats, hugs, kisses...) woof woof !

  36. Happy Birthday Bertie,
    Wishing you a wonderful day with loads of cake, presents and hugs.
    Lot of love

  37. Woof woof Bertie. Hope you've had a great day and lots of fun at your pawty.
    Scottie sniffs,

  38. From @RettetKaninchen "Hoppy Birthday to you, Bertie! May the upcoming year be even more joyful then the last one! Best wishesfrom all of our bunnies =:x)"

  39. Appy Burfday dear Bertie, we duz ope yoo have lovely day.
    From Hamish and Maggie May!

  40. Hi Bertie! I hope all your wishes come true! Happy Woofy Birthday sweetheart! Love you, CJDoggirl

  41. Happy Birfday mai pal woof woof woof, is der cake?? I love cake !!

  42. I'z late to say Happy Birthday but lemme celebrate yor Happy Birthweek :)
